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Neuester Beitrag 4 Legendary SOFTCAP

Hallo Forum,
gibt es ein Blizzard-Statement zu folgendem Problem?

4 legendaries softcap". I know that Devs stated more than once that there's none such a thing like "softcap", but it's definitely currently in game. For sure, there are persons with 5 (or even 8) legendaries, howeve i assume most of them due to early bug, that helped you to get many legendaries if you got your 1st one at the start of the expansion. In fact, even the guy (or guys) who made 1340 M+ dungeons on his character still has 4 legendaries, which is more than enough of a proof. Currently, such softcap leads to some totally idiotic things, raiders (including mine) are forced to do. Got 4 legendaries on your class and they're all terrible? Got 4 legendaries for "Fire" spec and now it's useless, so you need Arcane ones? Missing one that is crucial for your gameplay?

The answer to ALL of those questions is simple - go on and create new character, level it to 110 and good luck this time. That's the ONLY choice right now for you, otherwise good luck with your useless ones.

Solution to this issue is surprisingly easy: either let us exchange our 2-3 legendaries into a new one or just remove this softcap, which is just ingame for god knows why reason. Talking about Mythic raids - i would prefer if Blizzard completely disabled legendaries for 1st 2-3 weeks (making their enabling as a 1st meaningful nerf to the dungeon)

Im Generellen geht es um die Tatsache, dass viele Leute auf 4 Legendarys sitzten und keins mehr bekommen. Mich selbst betrifft es auch. Ich besitzte 4 Legendarys und 3 davon sind einfach nutzlos! Seit Wochen habe ich kein neues mehr gesehen.

Beste Grüße,


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